(CONCLUDED) CSARN / Reputation - Hard Won and Easily Lost



Thursday 18 October 2018 
Estee Lauder
One Fitzroy
6 Mortimer Street
London W1T 3JJ

12:15 - 17:00

Within the spectrum of ‘resilience’ for businesses, it can be argued that reputation is everything. The media is littered with reports of how critical leaders respond to adversity in words and deeds. When they respond well, they are the heroes of the day; when they respond badly, businesses can recover slowly, if at all. But, it isn’t just about how they perform in front of the camera; reputation management requires multi channel messaging that speaks to an internal and external audience in a 24/7 environment.

This CSARN briefing will explore the many ways that organisations can protect themselves and their valuable assets from poor preparation and disastrous delivery. CSARN brings together speakers and practitioners that can share how to make organisations the most resilient that they can be in a world where anything can happen - and it will. Join us at this critical interactive briefing to discuss how to prevent calamity, manage the media and recover effectively from adversity.

Areas to be covered are:

  • Case studies and how we can avoid being one
  • Best practice from the best practitioners
  • The many ways of prevention, management and recovery
  • Planning the elements to protect your business
  • Recovery and sustainability
  • Effective use of social media.

Confirmed Agenda

12:15 Registration and LUNCH
13:00 Chair
13:05 Ian Sherwood /  Senior Assignment Manager, NBC News
"The Challenges posed by Fake News "
13:35 Steph Gray / Managing Director, Helpful Digital
"Earning and protecting reputation in the age of the Social Media #fail"
14:05 Q & A
14:25 Coffee & Networking
14:45 Nicola Byrne / CEO, Cloud90
“Invention of New Risk”
15:15 Rob Shimmin / Managing Director, Shimmin Communications
"The human factor in crisis management"
15:45 Q & A, Networking & Close

Delegate Fee

CSARN Members | FREE

Standard Fee | £189.00

Public Sector | £109.00

Collections: Events

Category: 2018

Type: Unknown Type

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